Health Insurance Spain2024-07-11T07:53:52+00:00

The Best Private Health Insurance In Spain

What is health insurance in Spain? It is a type insurance that will cover the expenses of an insured individual’s surgical and medical costs. By having a health insurance policy in Spain, you are ensuring that you will receive the best medical care without straining your finances. Health insurance in Spain offers you protection against potentially high medical costs.

Choosing a private health insurance provider in spain is one of the most important decisions you will make, please read through our site and have a look at what kind of health insurance plans we offer, from one of the top health insurance companies, Turner Insurance.

First of all if you are an expat and not entitled to Social Security cover in Spain, then you have to find the best health insurance policies you can afford, the alternative would mean paying for the treatment yourself and furthermore travelling back to the UK and visiting the NHS. Aside from that you have to ask yourself if you are you concerned you won’t be able to communicate with your local GP in your language the event of a problem?


Do you not want to wait for months to visit a specialist on the national health? Do you want the best private health insurance in Spain for your family? Are you moving to Spain and have not reached retirement age and don’t intend to work? Then insuring with DKV is the best option. Get in touch for a quote. To get advice from our expert’s call us on 966 46 16 25!



Do I need medical insurance to live in Spain?2020-03-11T11:49:55+00:00

To be able to obtain residencia in Spain you would need a private health insurance policy without co-payments, proof will be requested when you apply for residency.

Do British pensioners get free healthcare in Spain?2020-03-11T11:46:35+00:00

There is currently an agreement between the UK and Spain and if a British pensioner retires in Spain and receives their state pension in Spain, they are entitled to free Spanish health care once fully registered.

How much does health insurance cost in Spain?2020-03-11T11:43:58+00:00

Depending on the level of cover chosen, the amount of co-payments, your age and area in Spain, you can have a policy that would give you full cover with high co-payments from 25€ a month for an 18 year old to 150€ a month for a 65 year old with no co-payments.

health insurance spain with turner insurance

DKV: Private Medical Health Insurance

Voted as the best private health insurance in Spain, DKV policy also widely known as the fourth largest health insurer in Spain.

Also, it has been voted as one of the top health insurance companies to deal with by the national associations of brokers on several occasions. This Integral policy has the most complete cover available and we can offer the best treatment for you and your loved ones.

With free Dental Insurance and Travel Insurance cover included it is a real bargain. The policies are available in your language and come with a medical card. As soon as you receive this card you can use the policy and you do not pay at the clinics, they will invoice the insurer directly. Cover yourself with the best health insurance spain.

Key Points

  • 1,200 Associated Clinics

  • 19,000 Professionals Throughout Spain.

  • No Long Waiting Lists

  • No Complicated Administration

  • Free Dental Insurance

  • Free Travel Insurance

How Spanish Healthcare Works

Spain’s universal health care system is known as the Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) or Spanish National Health System. SNS is funded by Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS).TGSS refers to the contributions made to Spain’s General Social Security Fund. Workers in Spain receive a social security number and make monthly contributions to social security. This amounts to 4.7 percent of their annual salary. These payments get auto deducted from each employee’s paycheck.

Employers contribute an additional 23.5 percent of each employee’s earnings. This results in a total contribution of 28.3 percent. While the majority of Spaniards rely on SNS, you can and should also maintain private insurance. Why? If you are entitled to social security cover in Spain, they will give you full cover and the prescriptions you pay roughly 2% of the actual cost of the medicine. If you have private health insurance, out of hospital medications such as prescriptions are not covered and you pay the full price. You have ambulance cover in the event a Doctor authorises only. In the event of a road traffic accident in which the driver is at fault, the Social Security do not cover, your car insurance policy gives, or should have included, cover for the driver. The Social Security will invoice the insurer the medical costs, however this cover is limited to approximately 12.000€ when the accident is your fault and you are the driver.

Spain’s Universal Healthcare System

When it comes to navigating Spain’s universal healthcare system, you need an ally. SNS can prove complicated and the bureaucracy dense and difficult to navigate, particularly if your grasp of Spanish doesn’t facilitate dealing with red tape. While the SNS proves a laudable system worthy of praise, it also comes with long wait times, especially for non-emergency procedures. The SNS also limits your choice of doctors and facilities.

For an affordable monthly rate, you can ensure you and your family have access to the best healthcare in Spain. This gives you instant access to the best doctors, including multilingual practitioners. You’ll also enjoy better accommodations while in the hospital as well as more options when it comes to expenditures not covered by SNS such as dental work.

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Why Choose Private Health Insurance?

Besides helping with costs not covered by SNS, expats also purchase private health insurance in Spain for many other reasons. Powerful motivators include avoiding long wait times for non-emergency medical procedures. For example, the average wait time in Spain for a hip replacement is 123 days. And for a prostectomy 62 days. Patients even wait 65 days just to see a specialist..

In 2016, 161,700 patients sat on waiting lists for surgery in Catalonia and more than 94,000 in Andalusia.
Factoring in wait times for seeing specialists and getting treatment proves extra important for those who require regular medical treatments for non-life threatening conditions. But you can bypass the crowds with a private insurance plan. The private insurance system also gives patients access to better in-hospital care, especially in terms of comfortable accommodations and food choices.

Many expats also rely on private insurance because they prove ineligible for Spain health insurance benefits. This is a common problem. After all, only expats eligible for Spain’s social security coverage can seek health care through the SNS. If you are a visiting student from the European Union (EU) under 26 years of age, working in Spain, or over retirement age, you’re covered by health insurance in Spain. But if you aren’t yet eligible for retirement and don’t work, you prove ineligible for coverage. What’s more, if you come from a nation with universal healthcare, your country may need to foot the bill for your medical expenses. You’ll need to fill out the appropriate forms to streamline the process.

Private Health Insurance In Spain 

Private insurance gives patients more choices when it comes to choosing medical providers, too. These providers boast the highest standards of professionalism, and you also have the option of finding a multilingual doctor. Whether your grasp of Spanish proves functional or fluent, it’s best to consult with medical professionals in your mother tongue. Especially since medical jargon can differ so greatly from daily conversational Spanish.

health insurance spain

Finally, specialised medicine such as dentistry is not covered by SNS. But you can find cheap dental plans through the private system. No exemptions apply for pre-existing conditions, which means you can get immediate coverage no matter what the current state of your dental health. Turner Insurance Specialists can help you find plans, such as DKV, that offer free dental and travel insurance along with their packages. So, when you begin your search, remember to inquire into your options.

Private Medical Health Insurance in Spain: Dental Insurance


Most of all this dental insurance cover is a policy that gives you access to a designated network of more than 1.500 professional dentists throughout Spain. Children up to 14 years of age insured for free with an adult. There are no exclusions for pre existing conditions, this means no matter what’s wrong with your teeth you can take out the insurance and have the problem treated. Private Health Insurance Spain.

Who is insurable

Anyone is insurable at any age, no matter what treatment they want to have done. Therefore, you get instant cover and go to the dentist as soon as you have received your medical card, this probably takes 5 days in total.

  • Tooth extractions for free (except wisdom teeth -15€)

  • Annual clean for free

  • Annual check-up for free

  • X-rays for free

  • All pre existing conditions covered

  • Odontology preventive Gel / fluoride + dental cleans.

  • Orthodontic treatment Study, evaluation and diagnosis

  • Odontology conservative Conserve teeth

  • LARGE DISCOUNTS on all other treatment

  • Dental aesthetics From whitening to fitting veneers.

  • Classic Children up to 14 free, adults 6.50€ pm

  • Elite Children up to 14 free, adults 9.50€ pm



Travel insurance with your health insurance in spain - turner insurance

Furthermore, we will share a phone number with your medical card that you can use to contact us, if you face any medical emergency abroad. Experts will then direct connect with you to an appropriate medical centre and also cover medical repatriation if needed. Also worldwide care in case of an emergency.

Being one of the top health insurance companies, we ensure that our health policies guarantee worldwide travel assistance in case of an emergency abroad (for stays of up to 90 days per trip or journey).

  • Transfer and health repatriation of injured and/or sick persons in the event of an illness or an accident.

  • Return ticket and hotel expenses for a relative of an insured person who stays in hospital for over 5 days

  • Premature return of the insured person because of a relative’s death.

  • Expenses of medical, surgical, pharmaceutical, hospital care and ambulance abroad with a limit of 12.000 EUR.

  • Expenses of an extended stay in a hotel (up to 30 EUR /day) with a maximum limit of 300 EUR.

  • Delivery of medication

  • Repatriation of the deceased

  • Also a companion in case of death

  • Assistance with locating and sending of luggage

  • Delivery of documents

  • Legal defence costs abroad (up to 1.500 EUR per claim)

  • Advance for bail abroad (up to 6.000 EUR per claim)

A travel insurance policy is something that you purchase that will protect you and your possessions from certain financial risks or losses they may occur whilst you are on holiday or travelling in general. These losses can vary from what may seem minor to something more significant. For example, something minor may be a delayed suitcase and something a lot more serious may include a medical emergency or the trip being cancelled at the las minute. The financial protection that travel insurance delivers is not the only benefit. Some policies provide you access to assistance services no matter what country you are in. At Turner Insurance, our experts can assist you with medical treatment in an emergency, language translation, can help with your lost passports and a lot more.

Whilst travel insurance can not prevent unfortunate events happening, it sure can reduce the burden and soften the blow of unexpected expenses or travel arrangements where the costs often need to be taken care of up front and at short notice. The whole point of a travel insurance policy is to provide a traveller with peace of mind if a cancellation, delay or other events that may occur that impact your plans.

Travel insurance policies can vary in cost as they are risked-based and always take into account many factors both from the traveller and their intended destination. The majority of these factors generally include things like the duration of the trip, the travellers age and other factors that personally relate to the traveller, including medical conditions, any adventure sports and high-value electronics that they plan to include on the trip.

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Spanish Healthcare System Services

Your health is arguably the most important thing there is and when living in a foreign country, especially a foreign speaking country, it can be very intimidating to know and plan for what to do in the unfortunate circumstances that you may need to use the some of the services provided by the Spanish healthcare system. It is essential to be aware of your nearest hospital, emergency numbers, where to find specialists and just to have a broad understanding of what to expect when using the healthcare system in Spain and to build up your local practitioners for regular check ups.

Find Your Local Doctor

Moving to a foreign country is hard enough as it is but you never truly feel settled until you have confidence in your living situation and that can be anything from the piece of mind that your car insurance in Spain is fully covered and inline with guidelines to being registered with your local family Doctor.

The Spanish healthcare system allows every residence to be entitled to a family Doctor who is able to give you free consultations. Based on the view of these general practitioners will depend on whether you are then referred to see a specialist regarding the matter. In order to be assigned a family Doctor and register with your local practice you will just need to take along your Empadronamiento from when you first registered your place of residence and a general practitioner will be assigned to you. Your local clinic should not be hard to find and a simple Google search of ‘medicos near me’ should lead you in the right direction.

Specialists In Spain

Like we said above, if you are in need of a specialist, you will be referred by your local practitioner. This referral is extremely important as without it, your health insurance in Spain policy may be void. Also, many specialists prefer not to treat patients without a referral. You can locate English speaking medical facilities and practitioners in Spain by clicking here and simply selecting the area most relevant to you. But, it is important to manage your expectation when needing a health specialist in Spain, the average waiting time to be seen is 57 days.

Hospitals And Ambulance Service

In Spain, emergency care is covered through the healthcare system and that includes having to attend a hospital for surgery or in an emergency. The Spanish hospitals are recognised as some of the best in the world and that includes both public and private hospitals. The only downside being the long waiting time, the national waiting time for surgery is 93 days but this will depend on what region you are based in.

Again, having either private healthcare in Spain or being covered by the Spanish healthcare system will generally take care of the costs for the emergency services. The important number to memorise is 112 and when you dial that, you will be put through to request the emergency assistance that you require. The emergency medical services in Spain has two levels for their response team. One team is for advanced life support that will consist of physician’s and nurses and the other is more basic support that will include technicians. All first responders are trained staff on one will always include at least an emergency nurse, emergency physician, a patients transport assistant and an emergency medical technician.

More Information?


Tests / Authorization?2019-07-16T11:08:29+00:00

Complex diagnostic tests and treatments, as well as hospitalisation.

Pay Monthly?2019-07-16T11:08:32+00:00

The term of the contract established in the policy is annual and extendible, but the payment of the premium may be broken down, with a small surcharge, into monthly, quarterly, or six monthly payments.

Same Every Month?2019-07-16T11:08:34+00:00

No. Some months you will also receive the charge for co-payments for the medical services received if you have a chosen a policy with co-payments included.

Renew Contract?2019-07-16T11:09:01+00:00

It is not necessary to inform us of you wanting to renew. The contracts are extended automatically each year, unless one of the parties is not in agreement and communicates this in writing within a minimum term of two months beforehand. Similarly, DKV is authorized to send information to the policy holder and or the insured about goods and services that may be of interest to them. The taker of the insurance and or the insured may contact the Insurance Company to view these details or update, rectify or cancel them.

Documents To Provide?2019-07-16T11:09:07+00:00

The General and Specific Terms and Conditions, the DKV Medicard and the list of doctors.

What Is A Policy?2019-07-16T11:09:19+00:00

It is a contract that contains the rights and obligations of DKV and of the insured or holder. It is also called General Terms and Conditions and Specific Terms and Conditions.

Any exclusion period?2019-07-16T11:06:05+00:00

It is the period of time from the start of the policy during which certain covers are not in force. You can check the exclusion periods in the general conditions or by contacting your agents or the company.

Pre-existing Conditions?2019-07-16T11:06:49+00:00

A pre-existing condition is a health condition (for example, pregnancy), that exists before the contract is issued, regardless of the fact that the condition has been diagnosed by a doctor. Unless stated otherwise on the policy, cover for all pre-existing conditions are excluded on the insurance policy. All pre-exisitng conditions must be declared on the health application form, any kind of lesion, congenital disease, birth defect or anomaly, any illness, pending medical tests, treatments or even syndromes that could be considered as the starts of a pathological condition.

Odontology speciality?2019-07-16T11:09:24+00:00

Extractions, treatment and cleaning. DKV also puts at your disposal a guide of dental care services at a very interesting price.

Request A Home Visit?2019-07-16T11:07:56+00:00

When, due to the state of the patient, transfer to a surgery or a hospital centre is impossible. Visits by a nurse can also be to the home if prescribed by a doctor from the insurance company.

Visit a specialist?2019-07-16T11:08:17+00:00

You have free access to specialists. You need only apply for authorisation to DKV in the event of complex diagnostic tests, treatments and hospitalisation.

Doctor the day after?2019-07-16T11:08:23+00:00

The policy is in effect from the first day, except for some services which have a waiting period.

Lost My Medicard?2019-07-16T11:08:49+00:00

Please get in touch with the company or agent so we can send you another.

Ask For Medicard?2019-07-16T11:08:57+00:00

Yes the DKV Medicard is the means by which you identify yourself as an insured party of DKV Seguros.

frequently asked health insurance questions

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